DSPACE 7.6.1 INSTALLATION ON Debian GNU/Linux 11 (Bullseye)


DSpace 7.6.1 System Requirements

  1. Debian: Version 11
  2. JDK: Either JDK 11 or JDK 17 (JDK17 support was first available in DSpace 7.2. DSpace 7.1 and 7.0 only supported JDK 11.)
  3. Apache Maven: Version 3.5.4 or above (Java build tool)
  4. Apache Ant: Version 1.10.x or later (Java build tool)
    • While Apache Ant recommends using v1.10.x for Java 11, we’ve also had some success with recent versions of 1.9.x (specifically v1.9.15 seems to work fine with Java 11). However, earlier versions of v1.9.x are not compatible with Java 11.
  5. Relational Database (PostgreSQL):
    • PostgreSQL versions supported: 12.x, 13.x, 14.x, or 15.x (with pgcrypto installed)
  6. Apache Solr: Version 8.x (full-text index/search service)
    • Solr 8.11.1 or above is recommended, as all prior 8.x releases are vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228 (log4j critical vulnerability). If you must use a prior version of 8.x, make sure to add -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true to your SOLR_OPTS environment variable.
  7. Servlet Engine:
    • Supported options: Apache Tomcat 9, Jetty, Caucho Resin, or equivalent
    • Note: Only Tomcat 9 is supported at this time. Tomcat 10 is incompatible with Tomcat 9 and will not be supported until DSpace 8.0 at the earliest.

DSpace 7.6.1 consists of a Java-based backend and an Angular-based frontend. Both the backend and frontend need to be installed independently

Installation Steps

System Update and Upgrade
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

JDK installation and configuration
sudo apt install default-jdk -y

Identify the Java Version Installed
java -version

Add Java Environment Variable
cd /etc
sudo nano environment

Copy paste the bellow lines to the newly opened blank file. dont forgot to change the java version which i marked in red colour if it is different from mine

JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2048M -Xms1024M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"

Save and close the file.

Configuration Explanation

  • Increased heap size:
    • -Xmx2048M: Maximum heap size is increased to 2GB.
    • -Xms1024M: Initial heap size is increased to 1GB.
    • This provides more memory for DSpace to operate, potentially improving performance, especially when handling large datasets or heavy loads.

Apply the following commands to check Java Home Environment is Configured successfully
source /etc/environment

Maven & Ant Installation
sudo apt install maven ant -y

Check the Version Details of ant (version should be 1.10.x or above) and maven (version should be 3.5.4 or above)
ant -version 
mvn -v 

To install DSpace 7.6.1, you need PostgreSQL version 12.x, 13.x, 14.x, or 15.x with the pgcrypto extension installed
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib libpostgresql-jdbc-java -y

Identify the version of Postgresql Installed ( in my case it is psql 13.xx)
sudo -u postgres psql
exit from postgresql console

Start PostgreSQL (Don’t forgot to change the postgreSQL version as per your installation)
sudo pg_ctlcluster 13 main start

Check the status of PostgreSQL
sudo systemctl status postgresql

Set Password to PostgreSQL User
sudo passwd postgres

# I have given dspace as password for my installation.

Switch to postgres unix User
su postgres

Execute the bellow command in postgres user to check whether it support UTF
If it return UTF8 which means the UTF8 is Supported
Exit from postgres user

PostgreSQL Configuration
cd /etc/postgresql/13/main
sudo nano postgresql.conf
The above command will open pgsql configuration file, in which UNCOMMENT (remove the # symbol From the First Portion) the line listen_addresses = ‘localhost’ under connection settings option. Save and exit

Postgres Security Tighten Command
sudo nano pg_hba.conf

it will open the Postgres configuration file in which Add a comment above the line “# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket”. Name the comment “# Dsapce Configuration”. Then, copy the line below the comment and save it

# Dspace Configuration
host dspace dspace md5

Restart postgres
sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Appache Solr Installation (Don’t forgot to change the solr version as per your installation)

apt install zip unzip -y
cd /opt
sudo wget https://downloads.apache.org/lucene/solr/8.11.3/solr-8.11.3.zip
sudo unzip solr-8.11.3.zip
rm solr-8.11.3.zip

Create a user named ‘dspace‘ and change ownership of the solr folder to dspace
sudo useradd -m dspace
sudo passwd dspace
sudo chown -R dspace:dspace solr-8.11.3

# I Have given dspace as password for my installation

Now start the Solr service

Switch user to dspace unix user
su dspace
cd /opt/solr-8.11.3/bin/
/opt/solr-8.11.3/bin/solr start

Wait until Solr Starts
After the execution complete browse, the solr url
http://your-ip-address:8983 – It will show the solr page

create corn job for Solr to auto start on System Reboot
crontab -e -u dspace

Add the below line in the bottom of cron job opened
@reboot /opt/solr-8.11.3/bin/solr start
Save and exit

TOMCAT 9 Installation and configuration

Now open a new terminal with root user privilege please don’t close the existing terminal, We can call the existing dspace user tab as (dspace user terminal) and root user terminal as (root user terminal)

Commands to execute in sudo user terminal are listed bellow (in my case root is the sudo user)

su root

Install Tomcat9 (Only Tomcat 9 is supported at this time. Tomcat 10 is incompatible with Tomcat 9 and will not be supported until DSpace 8.0)

sudo apt install tomcat9 -y

Tomcat 9 Configuration
cd /lib/systemd/system/
sudo nano tomcat9.service

It will open a file in which move to security section and add the bellow line as last option to security and then save the file and exit


Create Required Dspace folder and provide Sufficient User privileges

cd /
sudo mkdir /dspace
sudo chown -R dspace:dspace /dspace
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart tomcat9

Restart Cron Job
sudo systemctl restart cron.service

To test tomcat is working execute the URL in your browser with your IP address

Next modify tomcat configuration
cd /etc/tomcat9
sudo nano /etc/tomcat9/server.xml

Locate the bellow mentioned line

<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8443" />

Comment the line with <!— in the first line and –> in the last line

Add the bellow lines just above to the commented line and save the content and exit the console

<Connector port="8080"

Now Restart the Tompcat9 with the new configuration

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart tomcat9.service

Dspace 7.6.1 Backend installation

sudo apt install git -y

Commands to execute In dspace user Terminal ……… Please note that this should not be executed with sudo privilege in terminal. By changing the Version number mentioned in red , you can install any 7.X versions

su dspace
wget https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/archive/refs/tags/dspace-7.6.1.zip
unzip dspace-7.6.1.zip
rm dspace-7.6.1.zip
cd DSpace-dspace-7.6.1


Open a New Terminal and login as Postgres User
su postgres
cd /etc/postgresql/13/main

Now we are going to create the user named dspace by executing the bellow command after executing the bellow command it will ask for a password remember the password that you have typed .. this is the connection password for dspace db

createuser --username=postgres --no-superuser --pwprompt dspace

# In my installation I have given dspace as password

Now we are going to create a Db named Dspace and going to make the dspace user which we have created in the previous step as the owner for dspace db

createdb --username=postgres --owner=dspace --encoding=UNICODE dspace

Enable PgCrypto Extension

psql dspace -c "CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;"

Apply the following command to exit from postgres user.

Commands to execute In dspace user Terminal ……… Please note that this should not be executed with root terminal or postgres terminal

su dspace
cd /home/dspace/DSpace-dspace-7.6.1/dspace/config
cp local.cfg.EXAMPLE local.cfg
nano local.cfg

It will open a file in which change the details marked in red colour to your server details and save the file

dspace.server.url = http://your-ip-address:8080/server
dspace.ui.url = http://your-ip-address:4000
dspace.name = Your Repository Name

Uncomment Solr.server line and change the line as below
solr.server = http://your-ip-address:8983/solr

Under Database configuration provide the actual db.username and db.password set by you.

db.username = dspace
db.password = dspace

Make sure you are executing the bellow commands as dspace unix user
su dspace
cd /home/dspace/DSpace-dspace-7.6.1
mvn package

The above command will take 10 to 30 minutes sometimes more than that which depends up on your internet speed and server responses. If everything done well you will get a BUILD SUCCESS Message in the end

Now Execute the bellow steps to initiate a fresh install
su dspace
cd /home/dspace/DSpace-dspace-7.6.1/dspace/target/dspace-installer
ant fresh_install

If everything done well you will get a BUILD SUCCESS Message in the end. Now the backend installation completed

Now we need to do the database initialisation
cd /dspace/bin
./dspace database migrate

The Above command will take more time to complete. Once its complete you will get a done message.

Run the bellow command as sudo user terminal since the tomcat folder owned by root

su root
sudo cp -R /dspace/webapps/* /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT/
sudo cp -R /dspace/webapps/* /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/

Check whether server folder in rooot & webapps copied using the bellow command

ls -la /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT/
ls -la /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/

There you can see the server folder with root as owner

Now run the commands in dspace unix user terminal

su dspace
cp -R /dspace/solr/* /opt/solr-8.11.3/server/solr/configsets
chown -R dspace:dspace /opt/solr-8.11.3/server/solr/configsets
cd /opt/solr-8.11.3/bin
./solr restart

Now open browser and browse http://your-ip-address:8983 and test that you are able to see the core selector dropdown menu in the left pane

Now create dspace administrator account

/dspace/bin/dspace create-administrator
Provide answer for the Queries prompted in the screen

Run the bellow command as sudo user terminal since the tomcat folder owned by root

su root
sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /dspace
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart tomcat9.service

Now Open a Browser and test the bellow pages are displaying


Dspace 7.6.1 Angular – Frontend Installation

Node Installation
Run The Commands in sudo user Terminal
su root

Install node version manager
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash

Reboot Server

Load NVM to the terminal session
source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh

Install npm
sudo apt install npm -y

Install yarn
sudo npm install -g yarn

Install node 14 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 versions ( “node Expected version “^14 || ^16 || ^17 || ^18 || ^19” for our Yarn Installation)

sudo npm install -g n

List the Latest Stable Version

n ls-remote --stable

Presently the Stable Version is 20.11.1 but in Our Dspace Scenario we need to install 14 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 versions only ( in my case I installed 18.10.0 while preparing the document)

sudo n 18.10.0

Install pm2 (node.js process manager)
sudo npm install -g pm2

Install required angular dependencies
sudo npm install -g yarn

Angular Frontend Installation

cd /home/dspace/
wget https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/archive/refs/tags/dspace-7.6.1.zip
unzip dspace-7.6.1.zip
rm dspace-7.6.1.zip
cd /home/dspace/dspace-angular-dspace-7.6.1
yarn install

Now Edit the Angular Configuration File

cd /home/dspace/dspace-angular-dspace-7.6.1/config
cp config.example.yml config.prod.yml
nano config.prod.yml

The above command will open a file in which Edit the contents marked in red to your ip address and save the file

  ssl: false
  host: your-ip-address
  port: 4000

If we don’t have ssl then make the bellow changes

  ssl: false
  host: your-ip-address
  port: 8080

The bellow command will check whether the connections work well or not

yarn test:rest

Frontend building Command

yarn build:prod

The above command may take 10 to 30 minutes to complete the build generation. Wait for it. After completion you will get a Done message

Create Production Json File

cd /home/dspace/dspace-angular-dspace-7.6.1/
nano dspace-ui.json

the above command will open a blank file , Copy paste bellow lines to the file and change the red marked content to your actual path and version. then save the file

    "apps": [
           "name": "dspace-ui",
           "cwd": "/home/dspace/dspace-angular-dspace-7.6.1",
           "script": "dist/server/main.js",
           "instances": "max",
           "exec_mode": "cluster",
           "env": {
              "NODE_ENV": "production",
"NODE_OPTIONS": "--max-old-space-size=4096"
"max_memory_restart": "500M"

Special Note About the above Configuration
1. Setting “exec_mode” to “cluster” will enable cluster mode , which allows networked applications (HTTP(s)/TCP/UDP servers) to be scaled across all available CPUs without any code modifications
2. The “instances” setting allows you to customize how many CPUs are available to PM2 (“max” = all CPUs. But you also can specify a number like “4” = 4 CPUs. )
3. The “max_memory_restart” setting is optional but tells PM2 how much memory to allow per instance. The example above has a maximum of 500MB. If the number of ‘instances’ is 8, that would mean PM2 could use up to 4 x 500MB = 2GB of memory. Therefore, you may wish to modify the values of “instances” and/or “max_memory_restart” to better control the memory available to PM2. Adjust the value according to your server’s available memory and requirements.
4. The "NODE_OPTIONS" On machines with >2GB of memory available, Node will only use a maximum of 2GB of memory by default (see https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/28202).  This 2GB of memory should be enough to build & run the User Interface, but it’s possible that highly active sites may require 4GB or more.

# In this example, my config is named “dspace-ui.json”

Start the Json File using pm2 Command
pm2 start dspace-ui.json

Now if the configurations are ok then you will get a screen where the status are online, open a browser and check the frontend is working

To Start the service on every restart pl add the code in cronjob of the sudo user

su root
crontab -e

Add the below line in the bottom of cronjob opened and save the file

@reboot pm2 start /home/dspace/dspace-angular-dspace-7.6.1/dspace-ui.json

Restart crontab
sudo systemctl restart cron.service

As an additional mechanism To start a PM2 service using the .profile option in Debian 11, you can add the PM2 startup command to your .profile file, which is executed each time you log in.

su root

Open your .profile file located in your home directory with a text editor.
nano ~/.profile

Add the following line at the end of the .profile file: and save it
pm2 start /home/dspace/dspace-angular-dspace-7.6.1/dspace-ui.json

To apply the changes without logging out and back in, you can source the .profile file:
source ~/.profile

For managing the PM2 process and ensuring it restarts on system reboot, you can set up a PM2 startup script with systemd. This is done by running the following command:
pm2 startup systemd
systemctl enable pm2-root
pm2 save

Yes! We have completed the installation process. 🎉😊

Browse the Bellow URL and Test Everything Working Well